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the medicine path of the wild soul
Sophia Rose + Merakilabbe
Listening to the Plants is an invitation to reconnect and to remember. This collaborative offering of author Sophia Rose and artist Vanja Vukelic weaves together words and images to unearth the intimate knowledge of the natural world that has lived with you all along. It is not so much a guide to plant communication, as it is a sacred reminder of the ancient wisdom still alive inside you. Seasoned and budding plant folk alike are sure to find both inspiration and validation in this delightfully accessible, intensely poetic, and visually stunning publication.
Second Edition Printing:: Limited Run Of Two Hundred
Twenty Two Pages :: Seven Original Illustrations
Thread-Bound Booklet :: Recycled Paper
Twenty Two Pages :: Seven Original Illustrations
Thread-Bound Booklet :: Recycled Paper
Listening to the Plants // Physical Booklet
Listening To The Plants // digital download
a w i s e g u i d e t o c o n n e c t i o n i n t h e d i g i t a l a g e
Our awareness and internal space is sacred and must remain sovereign. The use of technology needs to feel optional. It should be be something that brings you joy and adds to your experience rather than taking you out of it. The moment that your phone starts to detract from your lived experience is the moment to make a different choice. After all, digital communication should happen at the speed of life and not the other way around.
How in control are you of your smartphone use? Do you ever find yourself on your phone and forget why you even picked it up in the first place? Do you feel the urge to look at it every time you’re bored or have a moment to spare? I hate to say it, but I know I do. So why is it that we’ve become so dependent on our phones? And more importantly, what is it doing to us: emotionally, physically, socially, and neurologically? Technological Hygiene explores just how we got where we are today and how we can begin to find our way back to a healthy relationship with these small but powerful tools. Ultimately this is a roadmap, to show you the way back to using your phone rather than allowing it to use you.
How in control are you of your smartphone use? Do you ever find yourself on your phone and forget why you even picked it up in the first place? Do you feel the urge to look at it every time you’re bored or have a moment to spare? I hate to say it, but I know I do. So why is it that we’ve become so dependent on our phones? And more importantly, what is it doing to us: emotionally, physically, socially, and neurologically? Technological Hygiene explores just how we got where we are today and how we can begin to find our way back to a healthy relationship with these small but powerful tools. Ultimately this is a roadmap, to show you the way back to using your phone rather than allowing it to use you.
Technological Hygiene // physical booklet
Technological Hygiene // digital download
D E P R E S S I O N + A N X I E T Y
Depression is the worst. And when you’re in the midst of it, it feels like it will never end. But it does. It always does. They say to write about what you know. And I know depression. I imagine you do too. It is deeply personal and yet totally universal. While each of us experiences it in ways that are unique, it is an ache that many of us know all too well. The hardest part for many of us is the unbearable sense of separateness that we experience. It is a separateness that alienates us, not only from the world around us, but from ourselves. When we are in this place, it can feel impossible to pull ourselves out. But it won’t last forever, I promise. And there are many thing we can do to shift our mood and our mindset for both the brighter and the better.
I wrote this guide to help myself, and to help you or someone you love. Because we are not alone in feeling overwhelmed by this life, or by the deep pain we see around us. And this sensitivity is a gift. It is a guide for cultivating resilience within your own inner ecosystem. Because the world needs you right now. It needs you to feel and to come alive, more than ever before. Complacency and depression are difficult to resist in an era when our nervous systems are overwhelmed by seemingly endless news of political and environmental collapse. We must remember that we too are a part of the world - the living body of the earth. And if we neglect to care for ourselves, then what chance do we really stand of tending to the outer world in any meaningful way?
I wrote this guide to help myself, and to help you or someone you love. Because we are not alone in feeling overwhelmed by this life, or by the deep pain we see around us. And this sensitivity is a gift. It is a guide for cultivating resilience within your own inner ecosystem. Because the world needs you right now. It needs you to feel and to come alive, more than ever before. Complacency and depression are difficult to resist in an era when our nervous systems are overwhelmed by seemingly endless news of political and environmental collapse. We must remember that we too are a part of the world - the living body of the earth. And if we neglect to care for ourselves, then what chance do we really stand of tending to the outer world in any meaningful way?
This 35 page booklet includes vitalist practices, herbal allies,
and other suggestions for navigating depression holistically.
Herbal Allies For Depression + Anxiety // physical booklet
Herbal Allies For Depression and Anxiety // digital download
Herbs For The Feminine Heart
The healing power of plant medicine goes much deeper than simply helping to ward off flus and relieve menstrual cramps -- our green relations offer some of the most profound spiritual teachings and emotional support available to us as humans. This ten page booklet offers an intimate glimpse into the medicine of some of our most precious plant allies -- those herbs which have a particular affinity for fortifying a weary heart, bringing strength and courage in times of adversity, and reminding us of the Love that is available to us on every step of our Sacred Path.
In addition to introducing the personalities and specific indications of individual plants, this booklet serves as an invitation to engage your Heart as the incredibly powerful organ of perception that it truly is. Within these pages you will find words to which reawaken a memory of this sensitivity and receptivity in your everyday life. May it serve as a rich resource for cultivating an ever more subtle sense of inner vision and act as a potent stepping stone on your journey to discovering the essence of Love and Communion which resides in all things. A simple classic you'll treasure for many years to come.
In addition to introducing the personalities and specific indications of individual plants, this booklet serves as an invitation to engage your Heart as the incredibly powerful organ of perception that it truly is. Within these pages you will find words to which reawaken a memory of this sensitivity and receptivity in your everyday life. May it serve as a rich resource for cultivating an ever more subtle sense of inner vision and act as a potent stepping stone on your journey to discovering the essence of Love and Communion which resides in all things. A simple classic you'll treasure for many years to come.
Herbs For The Feminine Heart // Physical Booklet
Herbs For The Feminine Heart // digital download
The Sacred Art Of Bathing
One of the most powerful forms of healing and self care is a simple Bath. Hydrotherapy has been treasured by many cultures and considered as integral to one's health as sleep, nourishment, and exercise. Bathing can raise vitality, nourish the Heart, bring balance to all manner of ailments, and refresh the Spirit as deeply as it cleanses the physical body. While public bathhouses are, sadly, few and far between in the Western world, the experience you can create in your own home has the potential to surpass even the most elaborate and expensive spa. In this six page booklet, in addition to learning about specific practices for traditional and improvised healing baths, you will learn how to employ herbal infusions, flower essences, mineral salts, and crystals to deepen the restorative power of your bathwater. Trust us you'll feel the ripple effect.
The Sacred Art Of Bathing Booklet // physical booklet
The Sacred Art Of Bathing // digital download
folk herbalism & basic medicine making
folk herbalism & basic medicine making
Nature is generous; its medicines, uncomplicated. The hours and minutes spent carefully conjuring a remedy with your own two hands, using only what the Earth offers freely, is an alchemical process of healing all its own. To then be able to share the fruits of this labor and bear witness to the growing health and vitality of those you hold dear, is surely one of life's greatest rewards. This enchanting eighteen page booklet provides an inspiring yet simple introduction to doing just that. Within these pages you'll find a stirring introduction to the world of folk herbalism and the magic of at home medicine making. Also contained within are guidelines for making medicine in accordance with the phases of the Moon, tips for connecting with the wild plants in your area, thoughts on the best times to harvest, and a step by step guide for conjuring a number of herbal preparations. Includes detailed and easy to follow instructions for making herbal oils, salves and ointments, folkloric tinctures, infused vinegars and wines, herbal infusions and decoctions, and medicinal honeys.
Apothecaria // physical booklet
Apothecaria // digital download
Sacred Moontime Rituals
When we bleed, we are most creative, most psychic, most visionary, and most deeply attuned to Spirit. It is the time when we have the opportunity to most deeply embody the divine Feminine. Our Moontime is truly a gift. By taking any amount of time to rest deeply, nourish yourself, and trust whatever arises, you are able to be so much more vital and resilient the rest of the month. It is truly essential to the health of our bodies, hearts, spirits and work-lives to take time for Moonlodge each month when we bleed. This looks different for each of us, depending on our unique life circumstances. No matter what your world looks like at the time of menstruation, you'll find simple suggestions for the best ways to honor oneself during this powerful time. This six page booklet is an exploration of how we can adopt our own rituals for self care during this potent time so that we may learn and remember the power of our wombs and the gift that is our Moon blood.
Sacred Moontime Rituals // physical booklet
Sacred Moontime Rituals // digital download
S o l o m o n ' s P l u m e
an in-depth exploration of the medicine
and magic of a little-known plant ally
an in-depth exploration of the medicine
and magic of a little-known plant ally
Written in 2012 as my thesis at the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism, this is an in-depth forty page treatise on the little known and under-appreciate False Solomon's Seal, also called Solomon's Plume, [Smilacina racemosa]. Very little has been written in the last century about this plant.
While at first unsure of how I would fare, daring to write an entire thesis on a widely unknown plant, I, in fact, found this to be a boon to my research, for it led me to a deeper place of knowing the medicine through the use of my own heart and body rather than through the filter that may have existed had there been volumes written previously on its uses and indications.
Due to this absence of in depth research, I was inspired to offer the medicine of Solomon's Plume to whomever was willing to imbibe it and take the time to share their experience. Although this plant is little used today in Western Herbalism it has been widely employed in both Chinese and Native American Herbalism so it is not without historical precedence as a medicinal herb. No plant which speaks so clearly and with such great compassion, as does False Solomon's Seal, could possibly have gone entirely unnoticed by humans.
The manuscript is divided into the Magical and Medicinal uses of the herb (which, in reality are truly inseparable) and further categorized by body system or specific indication. Each section includes suggested formulas and preparations.
While at first unsure of how I would fare, daring to write an entire thesis on a widely unknown plant, I, in fact, found this to be a boon to my research, for it led me to a deeper place of knowing the medicine through the use of my own heart and body rather than through the filter that may have existed had there been volumes written previously on its uses and indications.
Due to this absence of in depth research, I was inspired to offer the medicine of Solomon's Plume to whomever was willing to imbibe it and take the time to share their experience. Although this plant is little used today in Western Herbalism it has been widely employed in both Chinese and Native American Herbalism so it is not without historical precedence as a medicinal herb. No plant which speaks so clearly and with such great compassion, as does False Solomon's Seal, could possibly have gone entirely unnoticed by humans.
The manuscript is divided into the Magical and Medicinal uses of the herb (which, in reality are truly inseparable) and further categorized by body system or specific indication. Each section includes suggested formulas and preparations.