Some serious healing magic is afoot y'all. Do you feel it too? After a long day more full than usual with people than plants, I went outside to make an offering of flowers to the pecan tree in my yard. In one hand, I held the small egg I'd just collected from the coop, and in the other a fistful of dried carnations. I looked up and above me, Grandmother Moon shone through the leaves, and I allowed myself to simply bask in the goodness of this day. It was not a good day because it was easy, but instead because I showed up fully to the connections and the healing which had been ripening slowly over time, and were ready now to be plucked, and savored slowly like sweet and potent medicine from the vine of this life.
This Moon in her fullness, invites us to see that it is possible for us to have the connection and closeness that we never allowed ourselves to dream we could -- but only if we will soften into the places where we once hurt most, the places of shadow and of shame. There is healing in darkness, when we can shine the firelight of compassion upon the wounds of ourselves, as well as others.
The moment is now to reach out to that person you've been needing to have a heart to heart with -- maybe for years. Is it possible that the resolution which once felt so far away, is perhaps just now at your fingertips? I believe it is. So, take this opportunity to speak from the heart and to share in the most vulnerable and courageous ways you know how. Deep healing blossoms when we show up as our softest selves. Its flowering in our lives is as inevitable as petals unfurling in springtime, but only if we are willing to own our greatest gifts as well as our mistakes and missteps; to say I'm sorry and to mean it. It is possible to find peace even within a space of profound discomfort and in healing, making contact with your own humility and desire for wholeness are often all that are needed for that first layer of hurt to fall away, and then the next, and the next. Start where you are, by being willing to be seen -- in shadow and in light. Start where you are, first by looking up, then by looking in, and finally -- by reaching out.